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Pro Defense NM provides a stellar Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) course.  This course is a 15-hour class covering everything you need to obtain your New Mexico CCW license.  In addition to classroom instruction, we also take the time to cover practical carry considerations for real life situations and then let you experience them on the range.  This is NOT just sitting in class then standing on a lane punching holes in paper.  We take the time to answer all your questions and meet your individual needs.  Our course includes non-firing drills and dynamic practical live-fire exercises related to dealing with violent encounters.  Be prepared to draw, give commands, move to cover, change positions, and shoot – all in a fun and comfortable training environment.

The Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) classes are generally covered over a single weekend.  However, if you need different scheduling, please let us know and we will work to accommodate you.

Each student will need to bring at least 50 rounds of ammunition to the CCW Class.  If you bring additional ammunition (up to 200 rounds) you will be able to live-fire in more of the practical exercises.  NO RELOADS, PLEASE!


What You Need:

  • The Handgun(s) you wish to qualify with (Semi-Auto and Revolver).

  • A spare magazine if you have one.

  • Minimum of 50 rounds of ammunition for each firearm you wish to qualify with.

  • Ear and eye protection.

  • Weather appropriate clothing (including sun, rain and cold depending on weather).

  • Please bring a lunch as we will break for a lunch, however there are no restaurants within a short distance.


$150.00  Includes a Two (2) Day Course covering the required 15 Hour Department of Public Safety approved curriculum, Shooting Qualification and Range Fees.


Pro Defense NM Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) classes.  To sign up, click the Register Now button above, select the “Concealed Carry” class that best fits your schedule, select “Register” and after filling in your personal information, you will receive a confirmation email.  If you have any questions please feel free to “contact us” All fees are due on day one of the two day CCW course.



Pro Defense NM provides the State of New Mexico required 2-YEAR REFRESHER class for current CCW holders. A 2-hour course reviewing basics, laws, and qualification shooting. 


What You Need:

  • The Handgun(s) you wish to qualify with (Semi-Auto and Revolver).

  • A spare magazine if you have one.

  • Minimum of 50 rounds of ammunition for each firearm you wish to qualify with.

  • Ear and eye protection.

  • Weather appropriate clothing (including sun, rain and cold depending on weather).


$25.00  Includes the Two (2) Year Shooting Qualification refresher required by The Department of Public Safety and Range Fees.


Refreshers are held on the second day of CCW classes.  To sign up, click the Register Now button above, select the “2 – Year Refresher” class that best fits your schedule, select “Register” and after filling in your personal information, you will receive a confirmation email.  If you have any questions please feel free to “contact us” All fees are due on the day CCW 2-Year Refresher course.



Pro Defense provides the State of New Mexico required 4-YEAR RENEWAL class for current CCW holders.

4-YEAR RENEWAL:  A 4-hour course covering the basics and laws in detail, as well as qualification shooting.


$75.00   Includes the required Department of Public Safety approved curriculum, Shooting Qualification and Range Fees.


Renewals are held on the second day of CCW classes.  To sign up, click the Register Now button above, select the “4-Year Renewal” class that best fits your schedule, select “Register” and after filling in your personal information, you will receive a confirmation email.  If you have any questions please feel free to “contact us” All fees are due on the day CCW 4-Year Renewal course.



Pro Defense NM offers Active Shooter Response Training.  This training will assist in preparing the induvial to act in the event of an Active Shooter.  This training will aid to apply the systematic acquisition of skills, concepts, and attitudes that result in improved organizational, team, and individual level performance. While training programs are often developed by companies internally, they do not always offer the considerations to be used when this occurs outside the designed area.  This course will help the student be able to think and react appropriately in any environment.  This course will help the student be able to identify a threat and allow training to be able to act based on safety.  This course can be taught off site in the clients’ place of business, worship, learning based upon their needs and convenience.


Please contact Pro Defense NM for additional information including pricing.



Pro Defense NM offers a course designed for “Personal Protection Inside The Home”. This Training is to be held at the clients’ place of residence.  This course offers a detailed walk through of the home for a Security and Safety related inspection, Pistol Basics, Defensive Basics, Identification of a Safe Room or Fall Back Point, Decision Making and many other topics.  This course is designed to work best with all members of the household present (including minors).  This course will be taught to all as a group and on an individual basis to ensure that everyone knows their responsibilities during an emergency.  The course is designed to fit the clients’ needs.


$50.00  Per Hour


Please contact Pro Defense NM for additional information.



Pro Defense offers a “Safety & Handling” course that can be taught in a location chosen by the client to include their residence or in a classroom setting.  This course will offer a one on one approach for safe handling of your firearm as well as how to store it and how to use/operate it.  This course is designed for all ages and should be taken by anyone with a firearm in the home who has not previously been trained on how to use it.  Pro Defense NM Instructors can bring several types of firearm to the classroom setting to be able to demonstrate and teach how to use multiple type of firearms.


$25.00  Per Hour



Carrying a gun does not make you safer.  You must be able to use it efficiently in life-threatening situations.  This course teaches you the skills needed to deal with the real-world situations you are most likely to encounter.  Our training is based on working with your natural reactions to danger, rather than teaching you target shooting or competition skills that are inappropriate and possibly dangerous for the self-defense situation.  You will learn to effectively defend yourself and loved ones in high stress environments where seconds count, and losing is not an option.


What You Will Learn:


  • Body reactions to a life-threatening incident, their purposes, and how to use them naturally.

  • The concepts and skills related to Combat Accuracy, Dynamic Critical Incidents, and Ambush.

  • The ESSENTIAL self-defense shooting technique, including:

    • Grip

    • Pull

    • Join

    • Stance

    • Extension

    • Sighting

    • Trigger Control

    • Recoil Control

  • Rack and reload skills.

  • Movement.

  • Drawing from holster/concealment and re-holstering.

  • Finding and improving your personal active precision.

  • Firing under stress.

  • Extreme close quarters/contact situations.

  • Shooting while seated.

  • Shooting from different positions.

  • Engaging threats to your sides or rear.


What You Need:


  • Your primary self-defense conceal carry handgun.

  • A spare magazine (2 if you have them), or a speed loader.

  • Minimum of 200 rounds of ammunition.

  • Ear and eye protection.

  • Strong side or concealed holster.  (Although we can demonstrate how to use them, for safety reasons you will not be allowed to conduct the class using a horizontal shoulder holster or a purse holster, or any holster that places the gun in a rearward pointing direction when carried.)

  • Weather appropriate clothing (including sun, rain and cold depending on weather) that allows you to move and be on the ground.

  • Shooting apparel accessories, such as knee pads and gloves, are optional.

  • Handgun oil/lube is recommended but not required (it is a desert, gun/magazine may end up in the dirt).

  • A readiness to be pushed to a new level of skill!

  • Please bring a lunch as we will break for a lunch, however there are no restaurants within a short distance.


$100.00  Includes range fees!


Defensive Handgun -1 courses are held every few months.  To sign up, "Contact Us" and inquire on our available class dates.  We do require that you have taken a CCW course due to platforms and fundamentals that will be used in this course that were taught in the CCW course.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. All fees are due on the day of the Defensive Handgun -1 course.



This course picks up where Defensive Handgun 1 ends.  In order to be as prepared as possible, you will learn the skills to effectively deal with less-likely but still very possible self-defense situations.  How do you respond when in a vehicle? When you can only use one hand? In darkness? Against multiple threats?  Or in the worst case scenario of an active shooter in public?  Sign up, find out, and be prepared!


What you will learn:


Recap of Defensive Handgun 1 basics, body reactions to a life-threatening situation, the concepts related to self-defense incidents and accuracy, and the ESSENTIAL self-defense shooting technique

  • Warm up to establish your current personal active precision.

  • Reloading based on slide lock feel.

  • Drawing and shooting from a vehicle and unusual positions.

  • Shooting while moving.

  • One-handed reloading.

  • Reaction hand drawing and shooting.

  • Low light skills.

  • Dealing with malfunctions.

  • Effective use of cover and concealment.

  • Multiple threats and innocent bystanders.

  • Possibilities surrounding an Active Shooter in public.


What You Need:


  • Your primary self-defense handgun.

  • A spare magazine (2 if you have them), or a speed loader.

  • Minimum of 300 rounds of ammunition.

  • Ear and eye protection.

  • Strong side or concealed holster.  (Although we can demonstrate how to use them, for safety reasons you will not be allowed to conduct the class using a horizontal shoulder holster or a purse holster, or any holster that places the gun in a rearward pointing direction when carried.)

  • A defensive flashlight (if you have one).

  • Weather appropriate clothing (including sun, rain and cold depending on weather) that allows you to move and be on the ground.

  • Shooting apparel accessories, such as knee pads and gloves, are optional.

  • Handgun oil/lube is recommended but not required (it is a desert, gun/magazine may end up in the dirt).

  • A readiness to be pushed to a new level of skill!

  • Please bring a lunch as we will break for a lunch, however there are no restaurants within a short distance.


$100.00  Includes range fees!


Defensive Handgun -2 courses are held every few months.  To sign up, "Contact Us" and inquire on our available class dates.  We do require that you have taken a CCW course due to platforms and fundamentals that will be used in this course that were taught in the CCW course.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. All fees are due on the day of the Defensive Handgun -2 course.



Pro Defense offers “One on One Personal Instruction”.  This instruction can include basic fundamentals such as grip, handling, holster draw, carrying, aiming, storing, loading, ammo type to use, as well as more complex instruction such as decision making, laws, rules and regulations, etc.


$25.00  Per Hour

Security Officer: Guard Card Training - Level 1:


Pro Defense NM offers Security Officer - Guard Card Training for Level 1. This training will allow you to become certified and licensed as a level one (1) Security Officer in the state of New Mexico. This training will go through all necessary information that has been mandated by the state, application preparation and the Jurisprudence Examination. Be advised that this is just the required classroom curriculum needed for the licensing and does not include fingerprinting or the required fee to the state. 


$100 Per Student  or $150 for Two (2)

Larger group or Corporate level training available, Please contact Pro Defense NM for details

Security Officer: Guard Card Training - Level 2:               


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